Most of our clubs are operating LTS and/or junior squad programs utilising their senior swimmers as coaches/swim teachers. This is a great way of not only retaining swimmers in our sport but also ensuring that they can pass on their vast experience and know-how to the next generation.
The importance of our LTS & early club development is key to the future success of our programs. As a result, providing these upcoming swim teachers/coaches with additional Professional Development support is a must.
In conjunction with Waikato Institute of Leisure and Sport Studies (WILSS), we would like to offer these developing coaches an opportunity to take part in the New Zealand Certificate in Sports Coaching Level 3 course. The qualification will carry with it 40 NZQA credits as well as an innovative program that will carry swimming specific practical swimming skills. The Level 3 Coaching course will be tailored for swimming through my collaboration with WILSS. It will also be my hope to support the coach development further by integrating this course with practical sessions, likely in conjunction with the XLR8 2.5K Squad or at our annual Kick Start Camp.
There are a few different delivery options for the Sports Coaching Level 3 course. Our preference would be for it to be delivered in our Hubs over consecutive Saturdays. This will minimise the travel component and ensure it doesn’t clash with school or coaching/teaching hours.
WILSS are also offering a Smart Coach program which is an introduction to coaching. This would be a great programme for your club members who are who are looking to get involved with coaching. Again, depending on interest, this programme could be delivered in each of our three Hubs.
The cost of each programme is noted below.
Smart Coach Course – $60 for one 3 hour delivery (group session – Swimming Waikato will cover this cost)
New Zealand Certificate – Sports Coaching Level 3 – $150 +GST per person (cost to be covered by the Club or Coach/Swim Teacher)
You can find the programme outlines below. We have the option of delivering these programmes now (for our clubs who are operating all year round), and later in the year for our summer only clubs.
If you’re a swimmer delivering in the coaching/LTS space and you think you’d benefit from either of these programmes , please let Cherie know – [email protected].
For more information, please read the information sheets at the links below:
WILS Smart Coach Information
WILS Coaching Level 3 Information