don't have a life jacket?

You can borrow one from us!

Our lifejacket hubs are a product of collaboration with a number of key water safety agencies, all with a shared vision of reducing drownings by empowering our local communities and reducing barriers to accessing lifejackets and key water safety information. We want to equip people with a lifejacket and the knowledge of how to fit properly, before going out onto the water, to reduce the risk and bring down the drowning toll.

With the support of Maritime NZ’s FED Fund, Drowning Prevention Auckland, and Hamilton City Council, the first Waikato Community Lifejacket Hub has opened at Gallagher’s Aquatic Centre in Hamilton.

Drowning Prevention Auckland and Swimming Waikato are now expanding the Lifejacket Hubs to other communities across the Waikato region. These lifejacket hubs will be located at boat clubs, surf clubs and community venues which also provide social services to get these key water safety messages known to all. By having the lifejacket hubs operated by locals for locals, we hope everyone will feel free to make use of the lifejackets, so they stay safe in, on and around our magnificent waterways.

Loaning, Care and Koha (Donation)

The maximum time for borrowing lifejackets is fourteen days.

Lifejackets will need to be returned by the user in dry and clean condition with no rips.

Harsh chemicals are not recommended to be used on the jackets. 

Although the lifejackets are available free of charge, to help expand our programme a koha will be gratefully received via the following bank account:

02-0108-0298232-00 (please include your name and LH as a reference).

correctly fitting a lifejacket

  • Select a lifejacket you think is the correct size for you (check the label for identified weight range)
  • Check belts and untwist if required
  • If it has a zip, do it up
  • Tighten belts and do up clips
  • Check belts are tight enough – place your fingers between the lifejacket and each belt (If you can do this easily tighten the belts more)
  • Secure any excess belt through loops
  • Find an adult/buddy
  • Lift shoulders of buddy’s lifejacket to check fit
  • If it comes above ears – too big
  • Tighten or find a smaller size
  • Re-check

What We Offer

bookings are essential!

Located at Gallaghers Aquatic Centre, 20 Collins Road, Melville, HAMILTON

useful links


Sport Waikato Office

Brian Perry Sports House,

Wintec Rotokauri Campus, 

51 Akoranga Road, Hamilton, 3200


call us

(+64) 27 776 6684

Phone Hours 9am-3pm