Swimming Waikato are delighted to be supporting the first ever international retirement games…you heard right!

Ryman Healthcare is bringing together 12,500 residents across 41 villages in New Zealand and Australia to compete in the world’s first international retirement village Games.

Swimming Waikato have been supporting local IT Company, Aware Group as they develop timing technology solutions to connect all the villages and sports using artificial intelligence.

“It’s been an absolute pleasure collaborating on this great Ryman Healthcare initiative, alongside Dan Collins & Kane O’Donnell at Aware Group IT Services.
Dan and Kane made light work of a number of fascinating and innovative swimming developments which will be supporting the Ryman Healthcare International sporting event. I have thoroughly enjoyed our many discussions on ways to better utilise IT to improve competitive and non-competitive swimming experiences” Darren Ward, Swimming Waikato CEO

World’s first international retirement village games are on! (rymanhealthcare.co.nz)

Rest home residents create their own Olympics using modern technology | 1 NEWS | TVNZ

The events include:
• Swimming: 30m breaststroke in Ryman’s pools
• Lawn bowls: mixed fours, 10-end in a tournament. We’ll use artificial intelligence to stage the inter-village finals remotely.
• Relay walking race: (six-person team, 21.6 km relay in an indoor race arena using electronic trackers)
• Cycling: (10 km race on stationary bikes using augmented reality technology)
• Quiznastics: (a six-person team quiz, including general knowledge and Olympic questions)