Please find the sector update from Sport NZ  below. We have provided a summary of the key elements for how the new Covid-19 Protection Framework (CPF) looks for swimming as it takes place from Friday 3 December when NZ moves to the CPF.
As of Friday 3rd of December, Waikato (excluding Taupo ) will be in Orange and Auckland in Red for our Counties Manukau based Clubs.

CPF Sport & Rec Info Table – Sport NZ

How Sport & Rec Will Operate Under CPF – Info Chart

CPF Framework FAQ’s – Sport NZ

Swimming Events

Whilst most community sports are classified as “gatherings”, swimming events are classified as “events” under the CPF given we can control those who attend the event by way of accessing the pool through an entrance. Please note that despite whether the venue does not require vaccine passes to enter the facility, because you are hosting an event you will be required to use vaccine passes when hosting events under orange and red (refer to table below).

Because we host events, the table below outlines the restrictions to abide by for each colour:

Vaccination Status Green Orange Red
Using My Vaccine Pass No event restriction to numbers, please note the capacity limit is determined by the size of the facility (see physical distancing below) No event restriction to numbers, please note the capacity limit is determined by the size of the facility (see physical distancing below) 100 people capacity
Not using My Vaccine Pass 100 people capacity Can’t host event Can’t host event

*Please note that according to government guidelines a negative test can’t be used instead of a vaccine pass

Click here to view our guidance on how to obtain your My Vaccine Pass, and how to use the NZ Pass Verifier app

Under 12’s
Whilst children under 12 are included in the event capacity numbers, they may attend and the event remains an event utilising vaccine passes (ie: the event is still a “vaccinated event” rather than an “unvaccinated event”). This is great news for us continuing to provide participation opportunities for all ages under CPF.

Please note that the Ministry of Health has stated that kids under the age of 12 and 3 months are not required to show a My Vaccine Pass. This means that kids who have just turned 12 have 3 months to complete their double vaccination. Click here for more information


Physical Distancing
There is reference to 1m physical distancing at events in the Sport NZ guidance, but this is only for identifying how many people can be hosted within an enclosed space.
Eg: 50m x 25m = 1250m2 and therefore 1250 people However, this doesn’t mean that individuals must remain physically distanced during the event itself. This is just used to help calculate the venue capacity of 1 person per 1m2.
Eg: you are not required to keep officials and volunteers separated, and swimmers separated, they can sit in the seats next to each other if they wish.


Out of Region Travel
You can cross regional boundaries if you have a vaccine pass. You should abide by the relevant settings for the area you visit, you are no longer required to take your home settings with you.
Eg: your home setting is red and you want to attend an event in orange, you just need to abide by the orange settings of the region the event is held in


Closing Notes
We are seeking some clarification around what may occur if Under 12’s have a vaccine rollout in the coming months and awaiting a more detailed update from Sport NZ this week. I will be updating our Covid-19 and Health & Safety webpage with these updates and more information over the next few days as it becomes available.


Please use and share this information to assist your clubs to host events from Friday onwards under the new CPF.