PB Beads

Red, Yellow & Black

Personal Best Beads

Another initiative at Swimming Waikato is the Personal Best (PB) Beads which can be earned by our swimmers at Club Nights and Club Champs.

The PB Beads are a collection of red, yellow and black beads which reflect the colours of our proud sporting region, and they’re available for any of our clubs who would like to take part in this programme.

We’ve chosen Club Nights as the home for this programme as they are a hugely important step in the development of a swimmer. They provide the first opportunity to experience racing, in an environment that is fun and non-threatening.  They also provide our swimmers with an opportunity to learn and to practice the rules of racing, without fear of being disqualified. Plus, we hope that the introduction of these Personal Best beads will add a bit more excitement to Club nights.

How it Works

The idea is that every swimmer who swims a personal best at a Club Night or Club Champs receives a bead which they can string onto a shoe lace, a necklace, a lanyard – whatever they’d like.  And of course, the first time a swimmer competes in an event, they’ve technically swum a PB so they’ll get their collection underway.

The really great thing about our Swimming Waikato PB Beads initiative is that it won’t necessarily be the top swimmers in the clubs gaining the most beads.  With a real commitment to training, every single swimmer taking part in this programme has the opportunity to collect a whole heap of beads.

And when our swimmers wear these beads to swim meets in the Waikato, we’ll all know what a great season these young swimmers are having by the number of beads they’ve got on display.

The Swimming Waikato Personal Best Beads initiative is a great addition to our swimming pathway as it leads perfectly into our XLR8 Achievers Club.


Sport Waikato Office

Brian Perry Sports House
Wintec Rotokauri Campus
51 Akoranga Road, Hamilton 3200
PO Box 46, Hamilton 3240

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(+64) 27 776 6684

Phone Hours 9am - 3pm